Dr. Lourenço Garcia Receives Black Excellence Award

On Tuesday, Assistant Superintendent of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for Revere Public Schools, Dr. Lourenço Garcia, was honored with the North Shore Juneteenth Association’s (NSJA) ‘Black Excellence” award at Lynn City Hall.

This annual event shines a spotlight not on the past but on the present, highlighting the current-day work and accomplishments of the region’s Black men and women. Part of the mission of NSJA is to highlight positive images of Black American culture and the diaspora while instilling pride in the Black community and dispelling stereotypes around the positive contributions of people of color. The goal of this association is to do this all year round and, of course, during Black History Month. 

“During Black History Month we recognize our ancestors’ greatest dreams, local Black Americans and people of color that are currently achieving greatly in community work or careers,” said NSJA in a statement. “The definition of local Black Excellence is a person of color who embraces being Black and has achieved in their career, contributed greatly to their community, or both.”

Nominations are collected in November of each year in preparation for the following year, and Dr. Garcia was nominated by his colleagues on Revere’s Human Rights Commission.

"I am deeply honored and humbled to have received this award," said Dr. Garcia. "My core principles and leadership have continuously emphasized integrity and service to others, particularly the underprivileged. Thank you for the nomination and to the North Shore Juneteenth Association for recognizing my work. However, this recognition would not be possible without the incredible team I have the privilege of working with on behalf of our students, families, staff, and community. Our team's dedication and hard work are the foundation of our success. I am committed to continuously striving for excellence in everything I do, and this award motivates me to continue pushing boundaries."

Dr. Garcia is a nationally recognized and award-winning educational leader with more than twenty-six years of teaching, research, and leadership experience.  He joined Revere Public Schools in 2010 as Revere High School Principal. 

He is currently the Assistant Superintendent of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (DEI) for RPS and chair of the district’s Equity Advisory Board (EAB). Through the EAB, the Office of DEI ensures that the Guiding Principles of equity and inclusion permeate our schools, become the central ethos our district operates on, and help us transition into a true anti-racist and culturally responsive community.

Dr. Garcia completed his studies in Ukraine, Cape Verde, and the United States, earning a bachelor’s degree in military science, a master’s degree in applied linguistics, and a doctorate in urban education, leadership, and policy studies. He has also contributed to a number of books on transformational leadership in education, including “Five Practices for Improving the Success of Latino Students” and “The Human Side of Changing Education.” He recently co-authored the chapter “A Multipronged and Equity-Oriented Approach to Transforming School Climate: The Story of Revere High School” in the School of Opportunity book, 10 Research-Based Methods of Equity in Action.

Under Dr. Garcia's leadership, Revere High School received numerous prestigious honors and awards, including the Best Urban High School in America (Gold Medal, 2014) and the Schools of Opportunity National Award (Gold Medal, 2016).

Dr. Garcia is a polyglot with native or multilingual capabilities and full professional proficiency in Cape Verdean, English, French, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish languages.

